To be considered for entry to a Renova house applicants will need to be showing motivation for change, be able and want to live alcohol and drug free, and be ready to engage with the support offered. A full risk assessment will be completed as part of the application.
To refer a person to Renova for supported accommodation the candidate should meet the following criteria:
- Male only (for the Bracknell House)
- Single persons only.
- Minimum Age: 25 years old.
- People of all faiths or none will be accepted but must be comfortable with the Christian values of Renova which may include attendance at church, or participation in mentoring and support from a church or church’s hub/cafe or other Christian organisations.
- Must not be using a controlled drug (this includes Cannabis and legal highs). Those recovering from drug addiction would need to have been on a script for minimum of 6 months and not abusing other substances. Each applicant will be considered on an individual basis and must demonstrate current engagement with a drug and alcohol service.
- Ability to manage and cope with own accommodation. If a difficulty is noted, this must be within the ability of the project staff to manage.
- No alcohol or drugs are permitted on the premises. Recovering alcoholics considered based on individual needs & condition.
- Must not be self-harming in an uncontrolled way.
- Must not keep pets at the residence.
- Any involvement with arson will bar application to the project
- Crime of violence will generally bar application to the project or MAPPA involvement.
- Will also take referrals directly from prison/offender management services.
- Expected period of stay in the house is about 18 months to 2 years.
- Must be willing to engage with the project and participate in meaningful activities identified in their individualised support plan including daily key work.
Contact us at for a referral form.
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