Green Pastures is a charity which equips churches to house the homeless.
The Kerith Hub in Brackell is a vibrant community of people with a heart for social justice.
UnLtd finds, funds and supports social entrepreneurs – enterprising people with solutions that change our society for the better.
Berkshire Community Foundation distributes grants, shares advice and uses specialist knowledge to help grassroots community projects thrive.
We are grateful to HM Government for their support, who as part of the Coronavirus response fund, provided a grant to Renova.
The Albert Hunt Trust supports charities that help alleviate homelessness. The Trust promotes health and well being – areas of support under this heading have included physical and learning disability, physical and mental health, plus social challenge and deprivation.
Allchurches Trust’s vision is to be one of the UK’s most impactful grant giving charities. Our mission is to equip and empower Christian organisations to have a positive and transformative impact on lives and communities.
Localgiving’s mission is to strengthen UK communities by safeguarding the sustainability of the local voluntary sector.